Supporting Medical Families and our Community for 75 Years
Sarasota County medical society alliance

Upcoming Events

SCMSA Holiday Social
Rusty Bucket
257 N. Cattleman Road
Thursday, December 14, 2023
6:00 - 8:00 pm

Doctors' Day Happy Hour
Gecko's Grill and Pub
5585 Palmer Crossing, Sarasota
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Our purpose is to support medical families through education and advocacy, to provide fellowship for our members, and to promote and support the health and well-being of families in our community.
Community Service Dedicating our members’ resources to promote a healthier community.
Friendship Providing a network of support for physicians and their families.
Advocacy Supporting our medical community and its ideals.
Education Promoting awareness of medical issues.
Get involved
We offer opportunities to develop friendships through special interest groups, educational meetings, and fun social events. We invite all members to be involved at any level they choose.